08 November, 2010

Icon(ic) constructions

This fortnight's flooding has been well behaved, and most of the work has been happening inside. One of the major events we've been waiting for has finally arrived. While the extension, new spaces inside and out, and the new floorplan are all exciting, we had a few things we wanted to be "different", "unusual" (but "noice!"). The biggest of these was the spiral stairs, inside the tower at the back of the house. It's in at last!

This is the view down the length of the house, onto the garden behind. Obviously a little work yet to go.

The stairs have a landing at the basement, to make the turn towards the basement door:

And another landing at the top of the tower for the door onto the deck. Yes, there will be handrails across all the dangerous gaps.

The joinery is steadily progressing, with our linen cupboard/laundry being set up:

as well as the smaller bedroom cupboards:

The bathrooms are getting their waterproofing in preparation for the tiling and the various fixtures.

Where the old walls were, and where floorboards were somewhat dodgy, we've had holes in the floor for some time. We're now getting all the floor patched up, with ash to match the existing timber, which will later be sanded, stained, varnished, polished, etc. And fully insulated underneath as well.

The skylight is now fully sheeted and most of the joints filled - just the tricky ones right inside the tube to go. The louvres have a hook-and-rod to open and close them. As it turns out, with strong winds from just the right direction you can get rain directly onto the future kitchen bench. If it ever happens to rain...

Behind the scenes, we've also sorted out almost all the colours, inside and out, and we've ordered our snooker table, and a new bed, and door furniture, and sorted out tiling, and and and .... I don't think we ever realised how much work a renovation could be!

1 comment:

  1. The staircase looks awesome!
    Can't wait 'til its finished!!
